Ingredients® creates toxin-free daily essentials formulated with organic, plant-based ingredients, in high concentrations to deliver optimal benefits.
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What’s the first thing you read each morning?
Eric: NYTimes headlines
Myriam: Beautyindependent.com
Best beauty secret?
Myriam: Skin fasting 2 to 7 days to reset the skin and its microbiome. Especially good before starting with Ingredients® skin care regimen
Guilty pleasure?
Eric: drinking very premium Sake
Myriam: Eating Pastries in Paris- La patisserie du Meurice by Cedric Grolet
Trend/fad past or present you wish never existed
Eric: excessive body piercing
Myriam: orange spray tanning
"What would the name of your debut album be?"
Eric: An immigrant’s story
Myriam: Lost in translation
Favorite tv series of all time?
Eric: Curb your enthusiasm
Myriam: Call my Agent
What celebrity would play the role of you in the story of your life?
Eric: Andy Garcia
What famous person would you most like to have a cup of coffee with?
Eric: Bob Marley
Myriam: Dalai Lama
Favorite season of the year, and why?
Eric: Summer because having grown up in Canada temperatures can never ever be too hot for me
Myriam: winter- I live in Miami and enjoy the dry and somewhat cooler weather
Favorite hero product in your line and why?
Eric: Throat spray because it is so good for immune boosting and also it the first dietary supplement we created in our career.
Myriam: Shea Butter Stick because if I had to take only one product to travel with I would choose that one for it is the most versatile multi-purpose product in the line.